A unique retirement lifestyle in the heart of the great outdoors!
Clubs & Organizations
If you have an interest in joining a club or organization Elliot Lake offers all of the popular service clubs and fraternal order such as the Lions, the Kinsmen, the Knights of Columbus, Loyal Order of the Moose, the Masonic Lodge, the Royal Canadian Legion, and several others are a vital part of community life.
Clubs for retirees involve numerous social gatherings and recreational activities. The Renaissance Active Living Centre offers a number of daily activities as well as special events throughout the year along with the Club D’Accueil D’Age D’Or, a francophone group that offers daily activities for its membership.
Two popular clubs with retirees are the Penokean Hills Field Naturalists Club and the Horticultural Society. Both of these clubs have grown in size and influence over the course of time with the influx of new retirees.
The city is full of specialized clubs and organizations, some reflecting the interests of only half a dozen devotees, others now grown so large, more than one group is required to accommodate them. We have people who love flying (from ex-wartime pilots to model builders), model railroad enthusiasts, musicians, naturalists, amateur radio buffs as well as computer enthusiasts.